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Providing Everything You Need


Teeth Whitening

LED tooth whitening is an increasingly popular method of whitening that involves using LED lights to enhance the effects of tooth-bleaching gels for a whiter smile.

How LED Tooth Whitening Works

The demand for effective tooth-whitening methods is on the rise. There are many common causes of tooth stains, including:

  • foods like tea, coffee, wine, or dark berries;

  • medications or health conditions;

  • past infection or trauma to the tooth; and

  • natural aging.‌

  • No matter what the cause of tooth staining, many people are eager to find a tooth-whitening method that works. LED tooth whitening is a popular, noninvasive option.


 Tooth Gems

Tooth gems are when jewels are attached to the surface of your teeth with a powerful adhesive, which is designed to hold them in place for 6+ months. For some, one small stone is applied to the center of the tooth. For others, a jewel-encrusted cap is placed on an entire tooth or an entire row of teeth. Come on in and let us add some razzle dazzle to your smile!!

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